Have any question? 0484-2862106 kaushalkendra@cusat.ac.in


KAUSHAL IDEATE inspires and amplifies opportunities for students, alumni and staff to realise their entrepreneurial capabilities. By running development programs and connecting people with the innovator community, our programs are empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs. Led by a dedicated team, the initiative draws on our technological and vocational background as an entrepreneurial powerhouse to help our students, alumni and staff make their ideas a reality. We take time to understand what future entrepreneurs need to develop their business ventures. We’re invested in the next generation of weak but promising entrepreneurs which will make an impact in Kerala, India and internationally.

KAUSHAL IDEATE - Create successful businesses and pitch to real business leaders!


“Students don't have to wait until they graduate to develop their business or social enterprise - they can start it now with the club”

KAUSHAL IDEATE is our student-centered entrepreneurship initiative; an in-person and virtual community where students can find their tribe of entrepreneurial-minded thinkers from a vast array of experiences and skills.

DEDC can provide students with experiences and connections

  • Starter and advanced entrepreneur development programs
  • Coaching with our entrepreneurs-in-residence (CITTIC), TBI managers in University and outside (KSUM-nodal agency)
  • Networking and collaboration with like-minded people.
  • Take your entrepreneur know-how to the next level - You can book an appointment with one of our entrepreneurs-in-residence (CITTIC) or mentors (University), explore in-depth entrepreneur resources or find a job with a start-up.

Startup Stories